
May Vibe Check

Second vibe check, this one is a little light. May was a big month for aviation (19 hours of XC & 9 new airports) and travel (5 states).


April Vibe Check

Welcome to my first Vibe Check! I've always been interested in journaling and tracking events in my life for later reflection. I came across the concept of a monthly Vibe Check blog post after checking out a blog I found on the People and Blogs newsletter and figured I'd give it a try.


Introducing Track Every Hour

I've always been interested in tracking personal statistics such as workouts, music listening habits, and books I've read and then visualizing the data to find interesting patterns or just to reminisce. Earlier this month I came across a Reddit post that linked to a spreadsheet containing a recording of every activity for the previous year broken down to an hour by hour basis. I knew I had to give this a try and better yet, this was a perfect time to hack on a little app to help with tracking my daily activity.


2018 In Books

One of my 2016 new year resolutions was reading more and more novels throughout the year. I started with what I considered a reasonable goal of 1 book per month for a total of 12 for the year. Fast-forward to 2018 and I exceeded my latest goal of 15 by finishing my 23rd book of the year on December 26th! This post is a year in books post-mortem where I'll summarize each book (or series) and look into some statistics for the year.


2016 Resolutions

It's the start of a new year which means time for new resolutions! I've read sharing your resolutions with the world makes you more likely to keep them so without further ado here are my 2016 resolutions.
